{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.types.Span
open import lib.types.Pushout
open import lib.types.PushoutFlattening
open import lib.types.Unit
open import lib.types.Pointed

-- Cofiber is defined as a particular case of pushout

module lib.types.Cofiber where

module _ {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (f : A  B) where

  cofiber-span : Span
  cofiber-span = span Unit B A  _  tt) f

  Cofiber : Type (lmax i j)
  Cofiber = Pushout cofiber-span

  cfbase : Cofiber
  cfbase = left tt

  cfcod : B  Cofiber
  cfcod b = right b

  cfglue : (a : A)  cfbase == cfcod (f a)
  cfglue a = glue a

  module CofiberElim {k} {P : Cofiber  Type k}
    (b : P cfbase) (c : (y : B)  P (cfcod y)) 
    (p : (x : A)  b == c (f x) [ P  cfglue x ])
    = PushoutElim  _  b) c p

  open CofiberElim public using () renaming (f to Cofiber-elim)

  module CofiberRec {k} {C : Type k} (b : C) (c : B  C)
    (p : (x : A)  b == c (f x))
    = PushoutRec {d = cofiber-span}  _  b) c p

  module CofiberRecType {k} (b : Type k) (c : B  Type k)
    (p : (x : A)  b  c (f x))
    = PushoutRecType {d = cofiber-span}  _  b) c p

module _ {i j} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} (F : fst (X ⊙→ Y)) where

  ⊙cof-span : ⊙Span
  ⊙cof-span = ⊙span ⊙Unit Y X ((λ _  tt) , idp) F

  ⊙Cof : Ptd (lmax i j)
  ⊙Cof = ⊙Pushout ⊙cof-span

  ⊙cfcod : fst (Y ⊙→ ⊙Cof)
  ⊙cfcod =
    cfcod (fst F) , ap (cfcod (fst F)) (! (snd F))  ! (cfglue (fst F) (snd X))

  ⊙cfglue : ⊙cst == ⊙cfcod ⊙∘ F
  ⊙cfglue = ⊙λ= (cfglue _) (lemma (cfcod _) (cfglue _ (snd X)) (snd F))
    lemma :  {i j} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} (f : A  B)
      {x y : A} {z : B} (p : z == f x) (q : x == y)
       idp == p  ap f q  ap f (! q)  ! p
    lemma f idp idp = idp