
The main result of this module is a statement corresponding to nested
accessibility (a.k.a. wellfounded) induction.

{-# OPTIONS --safe --cubical #-}

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

module squier.accessibility where

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Induction.WellFounded
  renaming (WellFounded to isWellFounded;
            Acc to isAcc;
            Rel to BinRel)

private variable
  ℓ₀ ℓ₁ ℓ₂ ℓ₃ ℓ₄ : Level

{- The following is a version of the statement 'wfi', which is part
of the library, but marked as private. It is a special case of the
general accessibility induction (the type family here does not depend
on a proof of accessibility): -}
module _ (A : Type ℓ₀) (_<_ : A  A  Type ℓ₁) where
  acc-ind : (P : A  Type ℓ₂)
             ((a : A)  isAcc _<_ a
                   ((∀ a'  a' < a  P a')  P a))
             (a : A)
             isAcc _<_ a
             P a
  acc-ind P ih a (acc wrec⟨a⟩) =
            ih a (acc wrec⟨a⟩) λ a' a'<a  acc-ind P ih a' (wrec⟨a⟩ a' a'<a)
  -- Note: It should also be possible to just use WFI.induction
  -- (which however assumes global accessibility)

-- "Double accessibility induction"
module _ {B : Type ℓ₀} (_<B_ : B  B  Type ℓ₁)
         {C : Type ℓ₂} (_<C_ : C  C  Type ℓ₃) where

  double-acc-ind :
    (P : B × C  Type ℓ₄) 
    ((b : B)  (isAcc _<B_ b)  (c : C)  (isAcc _<C_ c) 
      (∀ b'  b' <B b  P (b' , c)) 
      (∀ c'  c' <C c  P (b , c')) 
      P (b , c)) 
    (b : B)  (isAcc _<B_ b)  (c : C)  (isAcc _<C_ c)  P (b , c)
  double-acc-ind P ih b isAcc⟨b⟩ =
    -- "outer" accessibility induction: show statement by <B-induction
    -- for all c
    acc-ind B _<B_  b₀  (c : C)  isAcc _<C_ c  P (b₀ , c))
            inner-ind b isAcc⟨b⟩
      inner-ind : (b₁ : B)  isAcc _<B_ b₁ 
                  ((b₁' : B)  b₁' <B b₁  (c : C)
                         isAcc _<C_ c  P (b₁' , c)) 
                  (c : C)  isAcc _<C_ c  P (b₁ , c)
      inner-ind b₁ isAcc⟨b₁⟩ ihb₁ c isAcc⟨c⟩ =
        -- "inner" accessibility induction: show statement by <C-induction,
        -- where b₁ is fixed
        acc-ind C _<C_  c₁  P (b₁ , c₁)) aux c isAcc⟨c⟩
          aux : (c₁ : C)  isAcc _<C_ c₁ 
                    ((c₁' : C)  c₁' <C c₁  P (b₁ , c₁'))  P (b₁ , c₁)
          aux c₁ isAcc⟨c₁⟩ ihc₁ = ih b₁ isAcc⟨b₁⟩ c₁ isAcc⟨c₁⟩
                                     b' b'<b₁  ihb₁ b' b'<b₁ c₁ isAcc⟨c₁⟩)

open import squier.graphclosures

{- The transitive closure of a wellfounded relation is wellfounded. -}

module _ (A : Type ℓ₀) (_<_ : A  A  Type ℓ₁) (wf< : isWellFounded _<_) where

  _<⁺_ = TransClosure _<_

  multiple-steps :  {a c}  c <⁺ a 
                     (∀ b  b < a  isAcc _<⁺_ b)  isAcc _<⁺_ c
  multiple-steps [ c<a ]⁺ ih = ih _ c<a
  multiple-steps (c<c₁ ∷⁺ c₁<⁺a) ih with multiple-steps c₁<⁺a ih
  multiple-steps (c<c₁ ∷⁺ c₁<⁺a) ih | acc <c₁-is-acc = <c₁-is-acc _ [ c<c₁ ]⁺

  transitive-wellfounded : isWellFounded (TransClosure _<_)
  transitive-wellfounded =
    WFI.induction wf<  a ih  acc  c c<⁺a  multiple-steps c<⁺a ih))

{- A monotone map reflects accessibility and wellfoundedness. -}

module _ (A : Type ℓ₀) (_<_ : BinRel A ℓ₂)
         (B : Type ℓ₁) (_≺_ : BinRel B ℓ₂)
         (f : A  B) (monotone :  {x y}  x < y  f x  f y) where

  acc-reflected : (a : A)  isAcc _≺_ (f a)  isAcc _<_ a
  acc-reflected a acc⟨fa⟩ =
    acc-ind B _≺_
             b  (a : A)  (f a  b)  isAcc _<_ a)
             b₁ acc⟨b₁⟩ ih a₁ fa₁≡b₁ 
                  acc λ a₂ a₂<a₁ 
                      ih (f a₂) (subst  b'  f a₂  b')
                                        (monotone a₂<a₁))
                                        a₂ refl)
            (f a) acc⟨fa⟩ a refl

  wf-reflected : isWellFounded _≺_  isWellFounded _<_
  wf-reflected wf⟨≺⟩ = λ a  acc-reflected a (wf⟨≺⟩ (f a))

{- The transitive closure of a co-wellfounded (a.k.a Noetherian)
   relation is co-wellfounded. -}

module _ (A : Type ℓ₀) (_>_ : A  A  Type ℓ₁)
                       (noeth> : isWellFounded  x y  y > x)) where

  _>⁺_ = TransClosure _>_

  transitive-Noetherian : isWellFounded  x y  y >⁺ x)
  transitive-Noetherian = wf-reflected A  x y  y >⁺ x)
                                       A (TransClosure  x y  y > x))
                                        a  a)
                                       (transitive-wellfounded A  x y  y > x) noeth>)