Kristian Spoerer

Dr Kristian Spoerer

Teaching Associate in Computer Science
Year In Industry Tutor

A06 Computer Science
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road

I undertook doctoral research at The University of Nottingham and graduated in 2007, then was a postdoc at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. I also have worked in the sofware industry for 7 years in the UK, Japan and Europe.

I am a member of the FAPESPE Hippocampus project, to integrate new volume rendering with medical training software.

I am co-supervisor on the Enhanced artificial intelligence for retrosynthesis planning project, with a 4 year PhD starting September 2023.

I am a member of the Nottingham Quantum Collective.

Project Supervision

I work on graphics, or games & artificial intelligence.


Games & artificial intelligence

If you want to do your dissertation on one of these topics, or a combination of the topics, then please email me.


For a full list of my publications, please see Google Scholar.


I am convener for the modules:

COMP3011-Computer Graphics

Program Committee

Artificial Intelligence and Entertainment Science. November 2021.

ASEAN Workshop on Information Science and Technology. November 2022.

Last updated: 1st December 2023.