SciDevNet covers ORCHID disaster response reserach

SciDevNet has a piece on our ORCHID research entitled “Artificial intelligence to help disaster aid coordination”.

New Scientist reports on our research

New Scientist reports on our research
Our research recently received some media coverage. The New Scientist has written an article “Smart software uses drones to plot disaster relief” on the ORCHID project’s disaster response work.

Human-Agent Collectives in Disaster Response

Human-Agent Collectives in Disaster Response
For the ORCHID project, I was fortunate enough to coordinate the production of a film that showcases the Disaster Response research activities in the project. This film project involved more than getting a bunch of people into a room to talk about their research in front of a high quality camera, it involved fleshing out the conceptual ...

Workshop on Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions at ECSCW

We have a workshop at ECSCW ’13 in Cyprus (see for more details). This is a topic that I have become interested in a few years ago during my PhD work.

Best Paper Award at CHI ’13

Best Paper Award at CHI '13
Our CHI paper “At Home with Agents: Exploring Attitudes Towards Future Smart Energy Infrastructures” got a Best Paper Award. I presented the work on Tuesday, April 30 at 11am, at CHI in Paris.