CSCW 2016 Workshop on Collocated Interaction: New Challenges in ‘Same Time, Same Place’ Research

**** San Francisco, CA, USA, 27th February 2016. Submission due date: 22nd December 2015, or 8th January 2016. ***** Call for Participants

New grant: Future Everyday Interaction with the Autonomous Internet of Things

Excited to announce that we have been awarded an EPSRC research grant. The team brings together researchers from the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham with researchers from the Agents, Interaction and Complexity Group at the University of Southampton. The project will run from April 2016 for three years. Proposal summary This project ...

Mini Documentary on our Work with Rescue Global

Mini Documentary on our Work with Rescue Global
We have made a short documentary on our collaboration with Rescue Global, a disaster response charity from London, thanks to the support by filmmaker Raj. The film shows the process of us researchers from the EPSRC-funded ORCHID project doing ethnographic fieldwork, and developing technologies to support Rescue Global’s planning work. The result is the Augmented Bird Table (ABT), a ...

ECSCW Workshop: Ethnography in the Wild

Ethnography in the wild: doing design ethnography with organisations at  ECSCW 2015 (Sept. in Oslo, Norway). Deadline: 3rd July 2015. See With the rise of ‘in the wild’ research, collaboration between academic researchers and industry or third sector organisations has developed as a core practice within CSCW. While there is a substantial literature about ...

Best Paper Award at AAMAS ’15 for Disaster Management System Paper

Our paper has been awarded the Best Paper Award of the Innovative Applications track at AAMAS. Download the PDF here.

Workshop at MobileHCI ’15: Mobile Collocated Interactions With Wearables

Research on mobile collocated interactions has been looking at situations in which collocated users engage in collaborative activities using their mobile devices, thus going from personal/individual toward shared/multiuser experiences and interactions. However, computers are getting smaller, more powerful, and closer to our bodies. Therefore, mobile collocated interactions research, which originally looked at smartphones and tablets, ...

Building a Birds Eye View – CHI 2015 paper and videos

We have a publication at CHI 2015 entitled Building a Birds Eye View: Collaborative Work in Disaster Response (click to download the PDF). This paper reports an ethnomethodological study of disaster response mission planning of Rescue Global.