Chris Greenhalgh is a Professor of Computer Science in the School of
Computer Science at the University of Nottingham, where he is a
co-leader of the Mixed Reality Laboratory and a member of Horizon Digital Economy Research
Institute. He gained a first class BA (with distinction) in Electrical
and Information Sciences from Cambridge University in 1991. He then
worked in the data communications group at the GEC Hirst Research
Centre for two years before moving to Nottingham, where he gained a PhD
for his work with large scale collaborative virtual environments in
1997. His thesis was a winner of the 1998 BCS/CPHC Distinguished
Dissertations in Computer Science competition. He has been a member of
academic staff in the School of Computer Science since 1996. He has
served as Senior Tutor and Director of Taught Programmes for the
School, and contributed to theUniversity's adoption and use of Moodle, an open-source virtual learning environment.
(I'm afraid some of this is pretty out of date...)
See Google Scholar or ORCID (publications.html is out of date)
Professor Greenhalgh's research interests centre on interactive and multi-user applications and the technical platforms and tools that support them. In common with the Mixed Reality Lab as a whole, his focus is on supporting everyday activities and situations (including home, work, leisure and entertainment) with networked, mobile and embedded devices and systems. His particular concern is with software infrastructure, the development of deployable systems and empowering "ordinary" people to use and appropriate complicated technologies. He is currently involved in research on managing personal data and interactive music-based experiences.
PhD students, present:
and past: Annie Quandt (with Svenja Adolphs and Alex Lang), Michaela Hoare (with Steve Benford, and Nick Stevenson, Sociology & Social Policy), Tim Pearce (with Michael Brown, Horizon), Wenchao Jiang (with Tom Rodden and Joel Fischer), Jimmy Chim (with George Kuk and Jonathan Tan, Business School), Tom Lodge, Adriano Galati, Joel Fischer (With Steve Benford), Jitti Niramitranon (with Professor Mike Sharples, School of Education/LSRI), Sirisha Gollapudi (with Charlie Hodgman, School of Biosciences), Fernando Martinez, Bartosz Wietrzyk (Dr Milena Radenkovic), Alastair Hampshire, Milena Radenkovic, Jim Purbrick, Ivan Vaghi
Muzicodes and Climb!
daoplayer and daoauthor (mobile music)
Past, oldest to most recent: MASSIVE-1, MASSIVE-2/CVE, MASSIVE-3, EQUIP, ECT and EQUIP2 on SourceForge The Digital Replay System (DRS) (on SourceForge), Ubicomp Lobby Service, Android base client (for Exploding Places android client), bigraphspace, OpenSharingToolkit
I obtained my PhD at Nottingham (in Large Scale Collaborative
Virtual Environments).
I mainly work in the Mixed Reality
Lab and the Horizon Digital Economy Research Hub. In the past I have spent a lot of time designing/writing
multi-user VR systems,
especially doing
system-level distributed, graphical and collaborative stuff. I then
spent quite a lot of time working on Grid/e-Science. I have done quite a lot of work on replay/analysis tools for e-social
science. Now I am mostly
working on ubiquitous & mobile systems and
I was a Co-I on EQUATOR. I also worked on the EPSRC/DTI Participate project
(mass participation) and EU IPerG
project (Pervasive Gaming). I was technical director of the National Centre for e-Social Science
Records node at Nottingham. I also had a little involvement in the
EU Inscape project. I was PI for the EQUATOR-associated eScience project "Advanced
Grid Interfaces for Environmental Science in the Lab and in the Field".
Also on the eScience side, I led Nottingham's involvement in the myGrid EPSRC eScience Pilot
Project (the application domain for which is bioinformatics). I was a
co-investigator of the VidGrid e-social
science pilot project. I was
principle investigator of an EPSRC-funded project considering the realisation and use of persistence in CVEs.
I was a co-investigator on the EPSRC-funded project Multimedia
Networking for Inhabited-TV and was extremely heavily involved in
linked BT-funded project Network
Architectures for Inhabited-TV. In my "spare time" I also had some
involvement in the EU eRENA
I also worked on the EPSRC-funded "HIVE"
project which led to MASSIVE-3.
The MRL (and CRG before it) has a strong tradition of engagement
with the public, especially through collaborations with artists and
performers. Check out “Avatar
Farm” (based on MASSIVE-3) and "Out
Of This World" (MASSIVE-2),
public Inhabited-TV experiments. Also DesertRain
(MASSIVE-2), a
mixed reality
performance/installation, and Can
you see me now? and Uncle
Roy All Around You for more mobile/on the streets experiences (all
joint with Blast Theory).
More recently, Day
of the Figurines (Barcelona, Berlin & Singapore, 2006) was been
the first public outing(s) for EQUIP2, followed by Rider Spoke.
My PhD thesis was published by Springer (a consequence of
winning the
1998 BCS/CPHC Distringuished Dissertations in Computer Science
"Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments", Chris Greenhalgh,
ISBN 1-85233-148-8, London: Springer-Verlag, 1999. I suspect that it is
no longer available. My submitted thesis (missing some corrections and
an index compared to the springer one) is here.
Here are some ideas for UG and MSc dissertations: Project ideas.
In the past I have also taught:
Some past roles: