Courses 2002-2003

This year the courses will run for a week between the 31st of March and the 4th of April in Leicester, before BCTCS. The School is organised by Neil Ghani (Leicester) and Achim Jung (Birmingham). The courses are:

Courses at the foundational level

  1. Harold Simmons : Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
  2. Neil Ghani: Basic Category Theory
  3. Achim Jung : Domain Theory

Courses at advanced level

  1. Thorsten Altenkirch : Intuitionistic Logic
  2. Natasha Alechina : Modal Logic
  3. Eike Ritter : Type Theory
  4. Alexander Kurz: Coalgebras
  5. Martin Escardo: Semantics of exact real-number computation
  6. Paul Levy : Semantics of Effects .
  7. Roy Crole : Pre-sheaf Models of Variable Binding


9:00-10:00 Neil Ghani
Basic Category Theory
Neil Ghani
Basic Category Theory
Neil Ghani
Basic Category Theory
Neil Ghani
Basic Category Theory
Neil Ghani
Basic Category Theory
10:00-11:00 Harold Simmons
Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
Harold Simmons
Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
Harold Simmons
Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
Harold Simmons
Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
Harold Simmons
Lambda Calculi and Arithmetic
11:00-11:30 break break break break break
11:30-12:30 Achim Jung
Domain Theory
Achim Jung
Domain Theory
Achim Jung
Domain Theory
Achim Jung
Domain Theory
Achim Jung
Domain Theory
12:30-14:00 lunch lunch lunch lunch lunch
14:00-15:00 Martin Escardo
Semantics of exact
real-number computation

Thorsten Altenkirch
Intuitionistic Logic
Martin Escardo
Semantics of exact
real-number computation

Thorsten Altenkirch
Intuitionistic Logic
Paul Levy
Semantics of Effects

Eike Ritter
Type Theory
Roy Crole
Pre-sheaf Models of
Variable Binding

Natasha Alechina
Modal Logic
Roy Crole
Pre-sheaf Models of
Variable Binding

Natasha Alechina
Modal Logic
15:00-16:00 Martin Escardo
Semantics of exact
real-number computation

Thorsten Altenkirch
Intuitionistic Logic
Paul Levy
Semantics of Effects

Eike Ritter
Type Theory
Paul Levy
Semantics of Effects

Eike Ritter
Type Theory
Roy Crole
Pre-sheaf Models of
Variable Binding

Natasha Alechina
Modal Logic
Roy Crole
Pre-sheaf Models of
Variable Binding

Natasha Alechina
Modal Logic
16:00-17:00 break and exercise
session for all courses
break and exercise
session for all courses
break and exercise
session for all courses
break and exercise
session for all courses
break and exercise
session for all courses
17:00-18:00 Paul Levy
Semantics of Effects

Eike Ritter
Type Theory
Martin Escardo
Semantics of exact
real-number computation

Thorsten Altenkirch
Intuitionistic Logic
Alexander Kurz
(two hours)
Alexander Kurz
(two hours)